
Friday, February 4, 2011

Madeline's Valentine Collection

These are valentines received by Madeline, given by Madeline, or in the case of the vintage ones, saved by Madeline from her family.  A few go way back, but most of these are from the 1940's and 1950's I would say.  Hope you enjoy looking at them!

You can move the bear's hand to bounce the ball!

This one was in its own box. 

Love the inside verses.

These two and the following two are quite old.

Reverse of above valentines.


  1. So sweet! - I love old Valentines!
    My favorite is the little girl in the pink dress and pantaloons with the kitty.

  2. You mentioned that you wore your mother's 1946 wedding dress when you got married - I'll bet it was beautiful! You really should display it! I got my mannequin at a local auction years ago. It's an old one - with lots of adjustable parts held together by screws - and it's falling apart! I need a new one...
