
Saturday, January 29, 2011

"Look" Magazine, January 9, 1945

I like magazines--maybe a little too much.  I subscribe to about half a dozen and usually pick up another one at the store each month.  But I have a hard and fast rule about magazines:  I can only keep the current and past month copies, unless it is a speciality magazine.  (Those I can as long as I like--hey, it's my rule!)  Madeline, bless her soul, did not have a "magazine rule".  Even in her later years when macular degeneration kept her from seeing clearly, she still kept her beloved magazine subscriptions to "Good Housekeeping" and "Oprah".  When we came to visit I usually went to bed early the first evening with a stack of magazines and catalogs.  She has quite a collection of "Life" magazines from the 1940s.  I thought I would start this discussion with this copy of "Look".  It is not as thick as "Life", but it is a fascinating insight into what people were thinking in 1945.  The cover is by Douglas Crockwell who was famous for his magazine art of the day.  Learn more about him and see his work here

The back cover.  Smoking while dancing?  I wouldn't attempt it.

These pictures were side by side in the magazine as part of an article titled:  "How You'll Live in 1945.  This Year's Houses Won't Be Magic".  Can you imagine telling people today that lumber is very scarce and supply restricted due to the war?!  They wouldn't stand for it.  These drawings were attributed to Erik Nitsche.  I thought that name was familiar so I googled him and learned he was a very famous illustrator.  You can read about him here and here.

An ad for castor oil.  Nosy neighbors!

This column is interesting and sweet.

A free bar of soap to every baby born in 1945!  The babies are adorable.

Fashions inspired by South America.  (Imagine the images lined up next to each other.  Bear with me while I learn how to scan with my new Canon printer.)  This is resort wear for the fortunate few who could escape to a warm climate and the beach in the middle of January.  I've noticed that catalogs and magazines don't show resort wear these days.  Sign of OUR times?

This is kind of a crazy diet.  Why not skip the Ry-Krisp and save yourself an extra 23 calories at each meal.  They tasted awful and anyone who tries to lose weight knows the first thing to cut out is bread.  And they recommend you eat dessert? 

A movie review of "Guest in the House".  Makes me want to look this up on Turner Classic Movies to see when it's playing next.  The review says "it emerges as a taut, gripping film which ranks high among pathological chillers".

Look's Movie Guide

Hope you enjoyed this peek into January 1945.  Click on the images to enlarge.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Ann, it's about time I stopped by for a visit!

    Guess what? I have that very same 1945 Look magazine! It's so interesting to page through magazines from WWII era - and all the ads that basically say - Sorry, we can't let you buy these wonderful things'll have to wait until after the war...
