
Monday, October 11, 2010

Vintage Wallpaper Post 1

One of the many goodies we found in Madeline's attic were two large vintage wallpaper books.  These books were from her husband Archer's decorating business and I believe they date back to the 50's and 60's.  The books are huge, too big to scan the covers unfortunately, and chock full of the designer's mind from that era.  I pulled out some pages that appealed to me for this post.  There are children's room pages and many others that I will put in another post.  Hope you enjoy these!

They were doing faux treatments even back then!


  1. Somebody I knew when I was a kid had the brick wallpaper in their basement rumpus room. My favorite is the very first one. I would put that in my living room or bedroom now. LOVE IT!

  2. Vintage wallpaper books! How wonderful. Can't wait until you share another batch!
