
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Madeline's Travels

This is the first of what will be many posts about Madeline's travels.  She just loved to travel!  She always said she didn't like to fly.  However, in 1985 she flew to Germany to visit us while my husband was stationed there with the Army.  She wasn't going to miss a tour of Europe!  So I was curious when I came across these items from a trip she made around 1945 with her Aunt Florence.  (Like everything else with this family, she wasn't technically "aunt" Florence.)  Florence deserves a whole post on just herself as she was quite a character.  I'll have my husband write up her bio and try to find a pic of her. 

First we have a series of postcards of Washington National Airport:

Hangars.  Each door weighed 44 tons!

Ticket Counters

Terrace Dining Room

Main Entrance

Here is the packet from American Airlines which held her ticket:

Inside the folder is a large, foldout, colorful map of all the cities AA flew to:

This map is a beautiful piece of history and would look great framed and hung on the wall of someone's library.  That's a room we don't have in our home. 

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