
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

A Note From the Author and Some Miscellaneous

Hello readers!  I just want to take a minute to thank all of you that have taken the time to leave me a comment or to email to tell me how much you enjoy Madeline's Memories.  It means so much to me to hear from you and to know that there is someone out there who is interested in Madeline's keepsakes.  I recently posted some photos and letter from former Red Sox Dave "Boo" Ferriss and I received a very nice email from his daughter.  What a nice surprise for me!  I always forward your emails to my husband Bill so he can know that you are enjoying his mother's memories as well.  Thanks again and keep them coming. 

I have some miscellaneous items to share today that I discovered in my organizational chore.  The first is a series of 4 photos taken when Madeline was about 3 or 4 years old. 

I've posted this last photo before.  My youngest son Andrew is an artist and he recently painted his interpretation of this photo for Father's Day:

Pretty cool!  I like how he brought the photo up to date with the bright colors.


I found this photo in a box with no other clues to identify it.  Madeline does not look happy!  It looks like a cheerleading squad and she is their coach. 

This is the back of the photo and the girls have all signed it.  From the few notes I believe it was the cheerleading squad.  Love the note that says "Thanks for helping us with all our problems."

(Added 7/23/2012)

I received some information about the cheerleading photo from my sister-in-law:

The cheerleading photo was taken many years ago, of course, and those "girls" are now in their fifties! In the photo, the girl in the second row from the bottom, third from the left, is Sheila Judkins, whose mother was Judy Judkins, a good friend of my mother's. Sheila still lives in Rutland on the old family farm that she inherited, and she is a school principal at one of the elementary schools in Holden. She was Abby's first grade teacher, and Abby adored her. She is still a Judkins as her only marriage ended in divorce many years ago. She never had any children of her own. Now you know the life story of one of the cheerleaders!

With the group photo I discovered these really cute Easter cards that some of her class made for her.

Just adorable and so colorful. I wish I knew who made them so I could let them know that she liked them so much she kept them forever!

This card looks like an end of the year one.  I would have kept them too.


  1. I have a drawer full of "memories" from my former days as an elementary teacher. I should label them better so others will know why I have kept them. It has been fun to see these from your mother-in-law.

  2. Hi Nellie! Madeline kept everything, but I know why she kept those cards from her students--they are just too cute!
