
Friday, November 11, 2011

Franklin Square House: Comments from a Reader

Last year I posted about Madeline's time at the Franklin Square House for Women in Boston.  You can revisit it here.  I recently received an email comment from Andrew whose great aunt also lived there.  He sent a wonderful pic of her and allowed me to share with you:

I was hunting down photos to add to a family history collection and came across your Madeline site. My great aunt Helen E. Zak (1900-1992) lived at the Franklin Square House starting in 1924 (she never married). I believe she was there at least 20 years. She latter moved to a women's hotel on the Fenway and then to her own apartment in the Jamaica Plain neighborhood of Boston. She was from Turners Falls, Massachusetts.  As I recall, she told me that this was taken on the roof of the Franklin Square House when she first moved to Boston in 1924.

Thank you so much Andrew for sharing your great aunt's photo.  I love that others have heard stories about the Franklin Square House.  I received an email from a college student who was doing a paper on the FSH and said she was so happy to see the brochure that Madeline had saved.  I hope she received a good grade on the paper!  I also hope that others will share their memories as they read about Madeline's.


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