
Friday, July 8, 2011

Kappa Delta Sorority and an Update

I came across a folder titled "Kappa Delta".  Inside were a few photos and letters from Madeline's college pals at the University of New Hampshire.  Kappa Delta was the sorority she belonged to and they kept in touch for many years after graduation.  Here's how they looked in college:

Madeline is second from the right in the front row.

And here is a photo taken on October 4, 2006:

She's the lovely lady in red in the back row.

Friends and keeping in touch were very important to Madeline.  She received so many Christmas cards and letters each year!  In the later years when her eyesight was failing I would read the letters to her when we came for our Christmas visit.  I've always wondered who the last Kappa Delta member standing from her class was. 

I have been busy working on the postcard collection.  I found another book filled with postcards from the same era.  I have just completed the task of sorting and filing the first book, putting each card in a protective sleeve.  Now I must start on the second book.  I also pulled a few boxes from the garage and went through them, combining like items and discarding the absolute "junk".  The story continues!

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