
Saturday, January 22, 2011

Ladies Who Lunch

I just came across these three photos.  The date on the back is May 19, 1963.  What a story they tell! 

That's Madeline in the dark dress and spike heels.  They kept their hats on!  I don't remember that beautiful coffee urn.  The women are standing at the end of the kitchen.  The galley kitchen is behind them.  I hope the new owners take down that wall and open the place up.

This photo deserves a good caption!  Please note the gloves laid on top of the clutch purse.  Not everyone is wearing a corsage--wonder what that means?  They are sitting in the living room.  I like the window boxes but they were gone by 1977 when I appeared on the scene.

I like this photo the best because we have some of the furniture in our home today.  The leather chair with the ottoman was a pale blue here, but recovered in a very dark red in 1980 and given to us as a wedding present.  I played lots of "peek-a-boo" in that chair with my boys when they were babies.  The pull down desk behind the lady with the cape is in our guest room right now.  It has lots of secret compartments inside.  It was one of the latest items we acquired.  Also the side table by the leather chair is part of a pair that we also received as wedding gifts.  They are in our family room today. 

It was fun to go back to another era for a few minutes!

For those who are really curious, my sister-in-law emailed me the following information about these photos:

"I noticed the 3 recent pictures on Madeline's Memories, and they were taken at a Mother's Day luncheon or tea which the sorority that she belonged to for years used to have yearly for a while, and then discontinued. The women wearing corsages were mothers of the members, and the silver coffee urn was not ours, but belonged to another member.

I can remember cleaning the house for this, for days and days and days!! I also recall helping out with the serving, and having to clean up after it was done.

My mother's dress was a vivid royal blue, and her spike heels were a matching blue. She wore this dress for quite a while, as well as those shoes, which may explain her foot problems later in life! I can remember trying the shoes on and never being able to walk in them. They had very pointy toes, and were so uncomfortable."

1 comment:

  1. These photographs are wonderful - love all the hats! This is getting to be the end of the hat era, isn't it...

    That second photo is my favorite. If it were mine, I'd blow it up so you can see all the detail - and frame it! It's a work of art...

    Hope you're having a good weekend... As you can tell, I'm finally finding time to get caught up with my blog reading.
    - Susan
