
Saturday, November 6, 2010

Big Green Scrapbook, Post 1

This is one of many scrap books that Madeline put together.  I think she had some help putting this one together as it contains her 3d birthday cards.  Her grandmother Annie did scrapbooking also, so it was probably Annie that started Madeline on this paper obsession path.  This book is very thick and quite large in size:

I wish I had a scanner that could handle large and thick documents.  I used my camera to take individual pics of the various cards, stickers, photos, and newspaper clippings in the book.  This is just a small group.  At the back of the book were loose newspaper clippings on the kidnapping of the Lindberg baby and on the Dionne quints, as well as a local newspaper story about Madeline's father and mother.  I'll feature those in my next post. 

The first page of the book features this photo of Madeline's one room school house.  See this entry for more information.

Madeline's father, James Farmer, was one of the founders of the Grange Insurance Company.  She's about 3 years old in this photo. 

Madeline's famous photo with President Coolidge.  That's her in the front with her mother.  President Coolidge was welcoming Grange members to the White House.  This is the newspaper clipping, but the actual photograph was framed and hung in the upstairs hallway in the family home. 

Included in the scrapbook was a small newspaper clipping about her 3d birthday party.  Here's what it said: 

 "Miss Madeline Louise Farmer entertained ten of her young friends on Saturday afternoon, June 5th in honor of her third birthday.  The little folks enjoyed a very pleasant afternoon.  Refreshments of ice cream, cup cakes and cookies were served, also a dainty decorated birthday cake with three candles, was cut and passed to the guests, which were, Harry Cheney, Jr and Donald Cheney of Manchester, Merle Rich, Jr., Christina Therrien, Raymond Bushway, Kenneth Bushway, Richard Sargent, Frederick Sargent, Arlene Craigie, and Mildred Craigie.  Owing to illness, Carlson Gregory was not among the party."

1 comment:

  1. Oh, what a wonderful scrapbook! My favorites are "Christmas Greetings, Kind and True" and the big Easter Bunny. How interesting that there was a newspaper blurb about her third birthday party! How fun...
