
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Blodgetts' Landing Group Photo

This photo has been sitting on my desk for a few weeks now.  I pulled it out of a stack when I was unpacking a box.  The people and the setting really appealed to me and I wanted to know more about it. 

The sides of the photo tell us it is from J. B. Warren Photography Studio, Franklin, NH & Views and Groups are a Specialty. 

This is the reverse side:

You'll notice that on the side written in pencil is "M Rowe" (Madeline's mother).  So I am assuming that this is her handwritting and explanation and those are her parents (Madeline's grandparents) in the photo. 

I was curious what the occasion of the group photo was and what was with the long aprons that the women and men wore.  Notice some are holding plates or glasses and one man is holding a big pot.  The man in the middle of the front row appears to have a plate of  food.  Because some of the women in the back row are wearing some kind of  hat cover on their heads I thought they might be the hired help of a prominent family.  

I did a little research on Blodgetts' Landing and found it was a Spiritualist Meeting Camp  and this could be their annual camp meeting.  George Blodgett was the first resident.

This is an old postcard of Blodgett's Landing.  You can read more info about the place here.

I would love to hear your thoughts on the photo.

1 comment:

  1. This photo is amazing! I always ALWAYS try to put myself at the scene, and wonder what they're thinking right then and there, and what their issues are. I love this so much.

    <3 Andy
