
Saturday, May 1, 2010

Queen Mary Brochure (World's Fair)

This is a very thick brochure which folds out like a map.  The back cover states that the date of issue was February 1938; reprint of  June, 1937 issue.  Inside are many photos and ship layout plans, most of which are difficult to scan.  Here is a small peek inside:

The middle inside of the brochure is a full color painting of the Queen Mary.  I tried to get as much of the photo as I could:

Maybe Madeline was dreaming of a voyage on the Queen Mary.  Hope you enjoyed going back in time.  As always, click on pics to enlarge.


  1. I just saw your blog post on PW, and clicked on your site. What a GREAT find. I love reading about people's lives and the interesting things they keep and cherish. I have several papers from my maternal grandfather and my father. I always thought it was interesting that men saved articles, paper docs, ect. I will visit often, and thanks for honoring your MIL in this manner. It is a treat for all to see.

    Cece/Mawcee in GA

  2. Hi Cece! Thanks for checking in and leaving a comment. Isn't it great to meet people this way? Love PW!
