
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

1946 World Series Red Sox Programs

In honor of the 2010 baseball season opening day for my Baltimore Orioles, today I am showing some of Madeline's 1946 Red Sox memories.  Madeline loved the Red Sox and even knew many of the players from this era.  Her father went to spring training every year and got to know the ball players.  Madeline particularly liked Dave Ferriss, pictured on the cover of the program below.  She had no use for Ted Williams, however, and quite enjoyed the fact that his children fought over his body when he died.

This was an insert in the Boston Globe celebrating the Red Sox winning the American League pennant.  Inside the front cover it states:  "It has been the purpose of the Boston Globe to present New England baseball fans with an appropriate souvenir of the 1946 Red Sox season, which has brought to this city its first American League championship in 28 years."

The booklet is 32 pages and the inside back cover contains a 6 panel foldout team photo, with autographs.  The booklet covers just about everything--a chronology of the season from the Globe sportswriter Jerry Nason; an article written by Ted Williams himself; a comparison of the 1918 Red Sox and the 1946 Red Sox; brief history of Fenway Park; and an article about the Ladies of the Red Sox.

Madeline attended many Red Sox games that year.  Here is the cover of the official program and score card for June 3, 1946. 

And here is her ticket stub.  I told you she kept everything!

Here is the Red Sox lineup for the game:

And the Cardinal line up:

This is the cover of an official program from a game played at Fenway Park.

Toward the end of the 37 page booklet is this page noting the World Series receipts from 1903 through 1945.  I also love the photo of Mrs. John J. Buckley, Ticket Secretary, particularly her hairdo.

The advertising in these booklets is as special as the sports memories.  I will definitely be covering them in a separate post.  I want to take this moment to thank my Dad for introducing me to the Red Sox at Fenway Park, in the bleachers, in the 1960's.  He was an avid Red Sox fan, too.  I really believe that he and Madeline have seats together for the baseball games in heaven.  It's just too bad that Ted Williams cannot play--a little matter of him losing his head!

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